Meet Yule! He is a 1 year old, 52lb black lab mix that was found stray in Kentucky.
Personality: Yule is an easygoing pup who loves spending time with his people. He’s a little shy at first but warms up quickly and is a total sweetheart. He’s great around other dogs and shows interest without being overly excitable. You won’t need to worry about barking—Yule hasn’t made a peep yet! He enjoys quiet moments, and brushing sessions are a favorite; he’ll sit back and soak up the attention.
Training: Yule is good on the leash and enjoys taking relaxing walks at your side. He’s just starting to learn “sit” and is eager to continue learning with a little patience and positive reinforcement. His calm demeanor makes him an excellent candidate for further training, and he’s sure to blossom with some extra love and guidance.
If you’re ready to welcome a kind-hearted, mellow companion into your life, Yule is waiting to meet you!