Meet Snow! She is a 42lb yellow lab mix that was found stray in Mississippi. She is a true story of rescue. She arrived to CLR with a scar from an embedded collar.
Personality: Snow is a gorgeous, petite white Lab mix with a heart full of love. She adores people and shows it in the sweetest way—she loves to standing up to give hugs. Snow is all about love and connection. She leans into people for comfort and would happily sit with you for snuggles all day. Snow is very friendly, but she can be shy around other dogs and cats.
Training: Snow will need some help learning the basics. She just needs someone who can give her time and praise to help build her confidence. Right now, she hasn’t had much of a chance to learn, but her love for people and eagerness to please mean she’ll thrive with some gentle guidance.
Snow is ready to find a family who will love her as much as she’ll love them. If you’re looking for a sweet, cuddly companion, Snow might just be the perfect fit!