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10/16/2020 FOSTER UPDATE: Randy is a happy, smart and boisterous companion!  He sits, gives fives, lays and waits (not for too long though)!   He is crate trained and potty trained. He has had a couple of accidents around the house, but we suspect it’s just due to being in a new environment. He is doing well on his leash and loves going for walks and spending time outside! Randy jumps when excited, so we’re working on keeping four paws on the ground. He is great with puppies. My 100lb dog is still warming up to him, but as they’re both more dominant dogs we suspected this would take time. Randy is very food motivated – he will be a great dog to teach tricks for treats! We’re loving our time with this cheerful boy.

10/7/2020 FOSTER UPDATE: Randy is an extremely loving and happy dog!  At first, he was interested in exploring all the rooms in our house. After that he made himself right at home. He sleeps through the night, and once he’s awake he lets us know with a little scratch or cry and patiently waits for us to wake up. He’s very playful with us and loves all his toys! After playing he likes to cuddle on the couch and rest.

We were told he loves to be the center of attention and that’s definitely accurate! He just wants to give us all his love. Randy is getting much better with leash training and just needs a little more practice. He’s adding so much joy to our home and will be a wonderful addition to any family!